“Political consciousness in inseperable from my own art making…The ordinary and everyday are important themes in my work, I.e., shopping, menstruation, household objects, and daily tasks. I never know where or what my work will come out of so I do not separate my art making from the activities in which I am engaged; and I like to feel free to express ideas through a variety of media. Television and other forms of mass media do not directly inform my artwork. However, I regard television, movies, and urban advertising as the major artworks of today, in terms of their influence on and reflection of our culture.”
—M/E/A/N/I/N/G #16 (page 25), Nov 1994

"Boy in Pink; Boy in Blue, Girl in Pink; Girl in Blue," MASS MoCA, 2010. Photo by Andy Wainwright.

"Knitting," musclemen & pink yarn, 2000

"His and Hers," blue and pink mass produced objects, display case, MASS MoCA, 2010 - ongoing. Photo by Andy Wainwright.

"His and Hers," blue and pink mass produced objects, display case, MASS MoCA, 2010 - ongoing. Photo by Andy Wainwright.
"Untitled (rock held up by tea cup)," gravity sculpture, 1996

"Empty House Supported by Stuff," 2010.

"Empty House Supported by Stuff," (detail) 2010.

"Untitled," pink bra and dish detergent bottles, 1996.

"Doll House Reliquary," 2012, doll house and bones, 29 (high) x 42 (wide) x 24 (deep) ins.

"Spine Cradle," 2019, cradle and found vertebrae; "Spine Flower," 2019, silk scrim. (installed at Incident Report, Hudson, NY)

"Bone Desk," 2019, child's desk and found bones; "Spiderweb Rose," 2019, silk scrim. (installed at Incident Report, Hudson, NY)

"Untitled (on the line)," photograph, 2010

"Buttering Mrs. Butterworth," 2000